PRIVACY POLICY art. 13 REG.UE 2016/679

Cappellificio Norma di Cosimi Luigina – Via della Repubblica,7, 62010 – Mogliano(MC) – C.F. CSMLGN60L57F0217 – P.IVA 01064130436, owner of the web site, following art. 13 of the General European Regulation of Data Personal Protection nr. 679/2016 (following GDPR), respects the right of his own users to give information about the collection and other instructions for the treatment of users’ personal data. The treatment is based on honesty, lawfulness, and transparency for the protection of your privacy and your rights.

For further information concerning our privacy policy please contact the following e-mail address:

Purpose and scope of your Personal Data

Personal data are collected and will be treated exclusively for the purpose connected to the use of the web site, of his services and eventually the products acquirement from an ecommerce platform. Particularly, your personal data could be treated for these purposes:

– registration on the website, we store your personal data ( for example, e-mail address, post code address, sex, User Id and Password), through the relative registration form in order to give you the right to log in the Reserved Area, and/or the Newsletters sending, where required; if e-commerce is possible, we collect your personal data ( for example e-mail address, birth date, post code address, credit card, and bank details, telephone number) through a form to fill in:

a) customer care and service assistance;
b) application to newsletter service;
c) birth data input on data base server:
d) accounting information service
e) processing of the payments and receipts;
f) fulfil the obligations laid down under the civil and tax laws, the regulations of the European legislation.

Your personal data are saved mostly in electronic format and sometimes in paper format, such an example when the treatment is necessary to fraud prevention.

The personal data treatment will be carried out to the extent of limits of the General Authorization of the Guarantor nr. 5 of 2011.

Your personal data are treated by automatic instruments for the time strictly necessary to get the purpose for which they are grouped. Specific security measures have been observed to avoid data loss, illegal or incorrect usage and unauthorized entering. We inform you that to offer a complete service there are links to other sites treated by other bearers. We refuse each responsibility in case of errors, contents, cookies, immoral, illegal, publications advertising, banners or files not compiling the law in force and in respect to the Privacy policy of the sites out of our control.

The treatment of the net services of this site are at the bearer’s headquarter and only the technical staff of the office in charge or some occasional appointed people look after them.
No web service will be communicated or published.
The personal data of the users who enquire about information material are used only to execute the service or performance required and they are not published to anyone. The personal data of the users who enquire about information material (brochure, leaflet, offers and so on) are used only to execute the service or performance required and they are not published to anyone.

Data protection

Except surfing data, the user feel free to give personal data filled on the information sheet to “Cappellificio Norma“. Allocating personal data and the related consent to the treatment is compulsory for offering the services. The non-consent or the cancellation involves the cancellation of the request and the cancellation of the services offered by the site.

Your data in our server will not be circulated or transferred.

Data communication

The personal data may be used by:

  • Joined or controller companies to the group:
  • Public authority in conformity to laws, rules and community norm;
  • To be transferred abroad prior your approval and within the limits indicated on articles 42 and 43 of the Legal Decree n.196.

Rights of the users

People related to the personal data, have the right to obtain the confirmation of the existence or not of the same data and to know the content and to verify their accuracy or ask the updating, or the rectification (art. 7 of. law n.196/2003 – entirely mentioned).
Under the same article, people have the right to request the cancellation, the anonymity or blocking of data unlawfully processed, as well as to oppose to their processing, in any case, for legitimates reason. The requests have to be sent to the Holder of treatment, using the reference above mentioned.

In relation to the above treatment, the user may exercise the rights above at the Article 7 of D. L. n. 196/2003, of which we report below the entire text:
1.The concerned person has the right to obtain the confirmation of the existence or not of personal data about the person, even if they have not been registered yet, and their communication is in an intelligible form;
2.The concerned person has the right to obtain the indication of:
a) the origin of the personal data;
b) the purposes and methods of treatment;
c) the adopted logic in case of treatment realized with the aid of electronic means;
d) the identification of the holder, the people in charge and the designate representative, under the article 5, paragraph 2;
e) the subjects or the subjects’ categories, to which, the personal data may be disclosed, or they might become aware of those as designated representatives in the land of the State, as person in charge or as delegate;
3.The concerned person has the right to get:
a) the updating, the rectification, or when there is an interest, integration of the data;
b) the cancellation, the transformation in anonymous way or the interruption of the data illegally processed, including those for which it’s not necessary the preservation in relation to purposes for which the data were collected and subsequently treated;
c) the certification of operations in connection with letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, also about their content, to whom the data were communicated or broadcasted, except the case in which, this certification is impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate compared with the protected right.
4.The concerned person has the right to take position against, entirely or partly:
a) for legitimate reasons, to the processing of the concerned personal data, even if relevant to the purpose of the collection;
b) to the processing of concerned personal data, for sending advertising material or for direct sale or for market research or for commercial communication.

Right to oblivion

Under Article nr. 17 of the General European Act on Personal data Protection nr. 679/2016 ( named GDPR) you can ask for the cancellation of all your personal data to the owner of the treatment filling out the form on the website of the Guarantor of the Privacy Policy that you can download from this LINK and send it via mail to the following address:


What are the cookies?
The cookie is a small text file (of few bytes) exchanged between a web site and its browser which is normally used the site manager to store the necessary information to improve the surfing.
Is it possible to cancel or amend them?
The major and more common browsers accept on default all the cookies. You can change up this option, through the functions shown on browser by disabling the function at all or asking that for every cookie you would be asked an explicit approval.
Can I know if the cookies are used on this site too?
On the “Cappellificio Norma” site, the cookies are linked to your machine and do not identify the final user; on the other hand, some cookies, store temporarily until the end of your surfing could get linked if user has registered. The usage of the cookies is to improve, personalize and speed your surfing on our site (for example, to update the shopping cart on the e-commerce area), to check the access to registered services and to fix anonymous statistics on site access. If you choose to disable these cookies you will lose a good part of the personalization functionalities and some services could not be accessed to.

For more details and in order to give your agreement for the utilization of the cookies visit our section dedicated to the Cookie Policy